Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person Read online

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  Chapter Twelve: The Time Capsule

  After the May Day events had finished, Mr. Brady had everyone gather at the front of the school by the state and U.S. flagpoles. The time had arrived to reveal our items for the time capsule before it was buried. The entire school congregated around the flagpoles. There was also a photographer present from the Bradford Gazette, our local newspaper.

  Mr. Brady bought a new, waterproof document safe to use for the time capsule. Nearly everyone brought pictures or biographies of themselves and their families for the time capsule. Sherri Johnson brought her favorite magazine that detailed current news and gossip about popular Hollywood stars like the Kardashians and Miley Cyrus. Larry Morgan’s dad helped him create a video biography of him and his family on DVD for the time capsule. Others brought newspaper clippings with local and world headlines.

  Autumn decided against bringing her Raggedy Ann doll after I reminded her that she would have to put her name on it. It was bad enough that everyone teased her that she looked like Raggedy Ann. She didn’t want to be known as Raggedy Autumn by people in the future.

  She brought her mom’s recipe for Doodle Soup instead. Mrs. Doyle wins first place for best tasting Doodle Soup every year at the annual Doodle Soup festival in Bradford. Doodle soup is similar to chicken soup, but it has a spicy, vinegar taste to it. Autumn’s mom uses just the right amount of spices and seasoning in hers. People flock to her booth every year to taste her soup. She has vowed to never tell anyone the recipe. She even made Autumn seal it in an envelope where no one could read it before agreeing to allow her to use it for the time capsule. She agreed that it would be a shame for future generations not to enjoy her soup, but didn’t want to risk anyone else knowing her secret recipe. I was hoping that she might tell me her recipe when I get older. I want to put it on the menu when I have my own restaurant. People will come from all over the world to visit my restaurant and try Mrs. Doyle’s famous Doodle Soup. With funnel cakes on the menu for dessert, my restaurant will be more popular than McDonald’s.

  I made a scrapbook with pictures of me, my dad, Suzy, and Autumn for the time capsule. Mrs. Barnes gave me several pictures of Penny and the puppies for the scrapbook as well. I also put 4 quarters, 2 dimes, eight pennies, and a dollar bill in a Ziploc bag to be buried inside the time capsule. It was only $2.28, but I figured that whoever digs up the time capsule should at least find some treasure.

  After the safe was buried, the Bradford Gazette took several pictures of our class standing by the spot where it was buried. The photographer tried several times, but he couldn’t get Suzy to stay out of the picture. Mr. Brady finally told him that it was ok for Suzy to be in the picture because he was part of the class as well. After hearing about his escapades around the school, the editor wanted to do a separate feature about Suzy. Although I plan on becoming famous one day, Suzy’s already got a head start on his celebrity status.

  Mr. Brady announced that the time capsule would not be opened until 2043. That will be our graduating class's 20-year reunion. I was a little disappointed that an archaeologist or treasure hunter wouldn’t find the time capsule, but I guess 29 years is long enough. I’ll be 38 years old when we open the time capsule. It’ll be cool to look at all the stuff we put in the time capsule when we’re old. I wonder how much my $2.28 will be worth in 2043. It should earn plenty of interest over 29 years.

  A concrete slab with a plaque commemorating the date of burial and the scheduled date to be opened was placed at the site on the last day of school. A map of the city of Bradford with a large X marking the spot that the time capsule was buried at was placed on the wall in the school hallway near all the school trophies and alumni pictures. The original plan was to use the city map as a treasure map to locate the time capsule when it’s time to open it, but Suzy kept digging at the burial spot. I think he felt left out because he didn’t get to put anything in the time capsule. He dug at the same spot every day until Mr. Brady finally called the concrete company.

  After seeing how much I enjoyed caring for the puppies, Mrs. Barnes got me a job at the veterinarian’s office during the summer. I only work a few hours a week, but it’s a lot of fun. I help the groomer shampoo the cats and dogs. She always warns me before the veterinarian comes in to give an animal a shot. I have to leave the room. I don’t see why he can’t just give them some pills or something. I want to learn to become a veterinarian, but still don’t think that I can handle giving those poor animals shots.

  Autumn and I haven’t started on our expedition yet. It’s too hot outside to be digging for treasure. We’ve spent a lot of time swimming over Mrs. Barnes’s house and practicing new scientific experiments while my dad is at work. Mrs. Barnes has also promised to teach Autumn and I both how to cook. She laughed when I told her that I’ve already had some experience with my chocolate factory kit.

  We’re going to the Grand Canyon for vacation in July. Dad said that Autumn could come along if it was ok with her parents. That’ll be an excellent spot to resume our expedition. We’ll make that place famous.

  The End

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  Brad G. Moore

  About the Author

  Brad G. Moore gained his love for reading at an early age when his older sister introduced him to Margret and H.A. Rey's classic character, Curious George. Although he is an avid mystery fan, his greatest influences as a writer are John D. Fitzgerald's The Great Brain, Keith Robertson's Henry Reed, and Beverly Cleary's Ramona. Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person is based on the real adventures of his youngest daughter, Serina. Mr. Moore now resides in Bradford, TN.

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  Serina K. and the Case of the Missing Recipe

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